
Configurez les options et procéder à la commande.


1 CPU Core(s) (Fair Share)
2560MB RAM
20 IPv4 NAT Ports
/80 IPv6 Addresses
24TB @500Mbps
KVM Virtualization
Virginia, United States Location

Port speed limited to 1Mbps after traffic exceeded

Configurer le serveur
Options configurables
Information additionnelle
(les champs requis sont indiqués par un *)
Prohibited activities include but not only: DoS/DDoS, BT/PT, long time IO usage etc. Otherwise the service will be terminated. 禁止如下活动(包含不限于):DoS/DDoS,BT/PT,长时间IO占用等,否则将停止服务不退款。
Prohibited activities include but not only: harmful, spam, or offensive content/use. Otherwise the service will be terminated.禁止如下活动(包含不限于):破坏、欺诈、人身攻击等,否则将停止服务不退款。
Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous : en cliquant ici

Résumé de la commande